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WANTED SA has been conducting an investigation into allegations in the Netherlands re our favorite Scam Blogger, one Okke Orenstein and we were able to obtain information from an informant who is presently involved in the Child Pornography Industry in the Netherlands.WANTED SA has discovered that Okke Ornstein, who is from the Netherlands, where he worked for some 15 years in the world of television and radio before moving to Panama, is alleged to have been actively involved in the child porn industry in the Netherlands. Our sources there tell us that Okke Ornstein was involved in the editing of a film entitled "Oh Daddy," in which a balding, middle-aged man [sound familiar?] rapes both a 5 and an 8-year old girl!!
Our source also tells us that one of the girls appeared so lifeless that she may have actually been dead at the time of the filming. (AFP, 16 July 1998).
Based on the seriousness of these perverted activities, WANTED SA is not sparing any manpower or money to UNCOVER the truth about this form of vile activities in Netherlands. We are advised that the Police Authorities in the Netherlands have refused to issue a “Police Report” stating that Okke Ornstein is not Wanted for any crimes in the Netherlands. Does that not add fuel to the fire?
When the authorities heard of this incident back in 1998, they, of course, began to turn up the heat on the entire porn industry. Investigators were everywhere. Police raided well known porn stores. Film crews were held for questioning. Owners of various porn clubs and websites were interrogated. Several weeks later, Okke Ornstein disappeared from the Netherlands.
Dutch Pedophile Report
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse
Statistics from the Netherlands have been recently uncovered which are frightening to read;
The Netherlands has one of the highest rates of incest and child molestation in the world, it is accepted as the norm -- everyone is "looking the other way" in support of Dutch tolerance.
“In 1993, the Dutch laws were changed making it a crime to have sex with a child under the age of 12, and giving children 16 and over complete sexual freedom.
The "grey area" between the ages of 12 and 16 allows children to have consensual sex, and provides that the only person who can lodge a complaint for unconsensual sex is the parent.
How's that for a formula for incest? Sound unimaginable? Then read the English translation of their laws linked at the right.”
In 1998 and 1999 the Dutch attempted to strengthen their pornography laws and many of the individuals in the field fled to Latin American countries to hide their Criminal Activities; however, the individuals that fled are listed with the Dutch Authorities and are wanted for questioning.
WANTED SA is submitting the following information for the reader’s review:
Policy and Law:
The Dutch newspaper, NCR Handelsblad, printed the addresses of child pornography Internet sites found during the investigation of an international child pornography ring on the front page of its evening edition. ("Dutch see no easy control of child porn on Internet," Scotsman, 23 July 1998)
Official Response and Action:
Despite efforts to investigate an international child pornography ring based in the Netherlands, there has still been no concerted united effort to banish child pornography. The Dutch justice ministry blamed foreign-based Internet servers for continuing to display child pornography on the web. ("Dutch see no easy control of child porn on Internet," Scotsman, 23 July 1998)
Although almost all of the 15 European Union member states seek stronger measures to combat pornography involving children, the Netherlands opposed Belgium's proposal to make it a criminal offense to possess such material for "personal ends". So the possession of pornographic videos of children will no longer be regarded in Europe as constitution sexual exploitation and will be exempt from all sanctions. (Marie-Victoire Louis, "Legalising Pimping, Dutch Style," Le Monde Diplomatique, 8 March 1997)
In July 1998, a vigilante anti-pedophile group exposed an international child pornography ring. The ring was found to be operating in the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, Israel and Russia. Around 9,000 images were found in the Zandvoort apartment of a formerly convicted pedophile, Gerrie Ulrich, who was murdered in Italy, possibly by his business partner and partner in the child pornography ring.
The cruelty to the children in the pornography stunned many officials familiar with the sexual exploitation of children. Some of the pornography was made with babies that appeared to be no more than 12 to 15 months old. A child psychiatrist said that the children must have been sedated because they showed no reaction to the torture to which they were subjected.
One film, titled "Oh Daddy," shows balding middle-aged men raping 5 and 8-year old girls. One girl appeared so lifeless she may have been dead. (AFP, 16 July 1998)
A Netherlands Justice Ministry official was fired for allegedly downloading child pornography from a recently publicized Netherlands-based international child pornography network with ties to Germany, Italy and the United States. (William J. Kole, "This is Holland’s summer of shame," Associated Press, 29 July 1998.
WANTED SA has discovered that Child Pornography is a disease in the Netherlands, which cannot be eradicated in the Netherlands and reaches all the way to top officials and even Ministers in the Netherlands Government.
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