Asset Recovery

Asset Recovery

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Fraud and Fraudsters have a major impact on financial markets and international banking systems are an increasingly global concern. The costs of addressing the consequences of fraudulent conduct are growing exponentially and fraudulent schemes are becoming more and more prevalent, sophisticated and international.

When fraudulent conduct strikes your business, time is not your friend. At Wanted SA, we provide the timely, strategic and proactive advice needed to locate, trace and recover misappropriated assets. We know what needs to be done, and how, and that a rapid response is essential. Our global team is uniquely positioned to provide a coordinated response in multiple jurisdictions, as needed. 

Our lawyers, auditors, former law enforcement and former felons are experienced in the coordination and prosecution of banking- and securities-related fraud, ponzie scams, securing evidence and in the recovery of misappropriated assets. We also recommend proactive strategies for the prevention of fraud and defalcation. Count on us at Wanted SA to help you recover your money and protect yourself.

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