Intelligence Direction & Motivation

Intelligence Direction & Motivation

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WANTED S.A. specifically our Compliance Division and Criminal Due Diligence Division was formed to provide expert advice and practical assistance to enable responsible and concerned companies to protect themselves from infiltrated crime directed at the companies. Know who you are going to conduct business with before you conduct business. 

With our modern and Hi Tech system, we are able to conduct a thorough financial and background Due Diligence on all parties that a company or government agency may be exposed to. Our “Know Your Client” format was designed by former Law Enforcement Officers and also Former Felons who have the knowledge and expertise to go to the source of the exposure.
The cost and time commitment of compliance is ever increasing, while the service you receive never seems to fit your business requirements exactly. In the current marketplace it can be difficult to justify paying a full time salary to employ a dedicated Compliance Officer, and external compliance practitioners can be somewhat detached from the real world and business pressures you work with.
It doesn’t have to be this way.

WANTED S.A. is a dedicated Criminal Due Diligence & Compliance Service, which can tailor to the needs of your business. Working within the scope International Law Enforcement we cater to your protection of investments, assets and markets. We are able to provide a complete compliance service, dedicated to enabling you and your company to meet your compliance obligations and also to screen any possible security breaches, as to employees or companies that you may be considering in conducting business with. We carefully limit the number of Companies we work with, to ensure a bespoke service is available to you at all times. Product yourself from Blackmail, Extortion, Internet Espionage, Cyber Theft, and more.

Our Compliance Partners have extensive experience in the financial services industry, having worked in the Law Enforcement Divisions of USA, Europe, Russia and Latin America. Our former felons have both small and large companies’ knowledge and experience over the last 12 years. What is more, they have worked in financial services sales as well as compliance, so they understand the pressures of the work environment. Our Compliance Division also understands the concept of criminal activity and analyzes the root of the problem with a full report. With this knowledge we can help you to develop fully secure business practice in knowing who you are dealing with and the background of all employees rather than experiencing a barrier later in the future.

Services available range from simple access to up to date documentation, to a full consultancy service where we will assess your business and develop a full compliance, training and competence and WANTED S.A. plan with you, and monitor your progress on an ongoing basis.

The results of the assessments will help inform our risk-profiling of individual firms so we can more effectively target resources at the firms that may pose the biggest risk to our objectives."

Whatever level of service you choose, remember that WANTED S.A. will not allow you to become a victim of criminal activity and train your compliance section for your company. For more information on how we can help you to achieve your goals while we still have capacity to take on another Company, why not request a meeting with us?