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< PATRICIA JEAN TIMMONS – “FACE OF A  BLACKMAILER”                              

Blackmail is a filthy Criminal Activity which is being performed each day; however, in the case of one Patricia Jean Timmons this Criminal Activity has been an ongoing event for the past 35 years for this individual who is the “Scorned Wife” of Monte Friesner. Yes Friesner divorced Patricia Jean Timmons and did not want to have anything to do with her; Timmons had other plans to destroy Friesner unless he returned to her. That would not happen nor did it happen.

Patricia Jeans Timmons teams up with Okke Ornstein; the “SMUT BLOGGER OF PANAMA” who has multiple Criminal Charges already in Panama and the Crime Organization was formed to extract money from Friesner. Ornstein who has been involved in numerous fraudulent schemes in Panama; such as, Marc Harris, Tulip Fund begins using the archives that Patricia Jean Timmons has accumulated on Friesner and has used many times previously to harass and stalk Friesner, and gives them to Ornstein.

Of course Ornstein fails to mention that his partners – MARK BRANDON TIMMONS, his mother PATRICIA JEAN TIMMONS (who was a former wife 35 years ago of Friesner and THE WEB DESIGNER devised a Criminal Plot to Blackmail and Extort vast amount of money from Monte Friesner and his wife Tatiana Nazarova dating back to March of 2009.

Ornstein is well noted for creating “Alias” characters from his email addresses, which he uses to promote his SMUT BLOGS and for his blackmail activities started with WEB DESIGNER and Timmons under the guidance of Big Fat Mama Timmons telling them that “Friesner is worth billions and will pay big to them”.

The phony emails and letters stated coming in to Tatiana, Monte and other staff members in the office immediately from about March 3, 2009. “Old Boy Friends” started to write to Tatiana requesting financial assistance from amounts of $400,000.00 to $1,000,000.

Friesner started receiving also letters from old girl friends asking for financial help and then the letters starting inter mixing which exposed the situation; however, the conspirators were not revealed until the first week of September when Timmons confessed to Tatiana at her home and blamed his mother and the web designer.



Approximately 70 years of age was married to Friesner about 45 years ago for about 5 years and then he divorced her. Came from a broken home whose father had to marry her mother due to the mother being pregnant. The father of Timmons had a lengthy criminal record in Toronto and was involved with Organized Crime in the Illegal Underground Gambling in Canada.

Timmons’s mother remarried to an Alcoholic man who started to sexually abuse Patricia Jean Timmons at the age of 13 which lasted for several years with the knowledge of Timmons mother. Timmons finally moved out and went to live with her father the Organized Crime figure. In October of 2009 Timmons contact Tatiana Nazarova (who is a victim) by telephone attempting to coerce Tatiana in paying her son money and giving him a job; otherwise she will have Okke Ornstein write articles about Friesner and her.

Timmons and her son Mark Timmons have numerous Criminal Charges in Panama for Blackmail & Extortion at present and to this date has not retained any lawyer to defend themselves. Patricia Jean Timmons and Mark Timmons aware of the Criminal Charges and according to sources “feels that she cannot be touched in Canada”.

(More to follow on Patricia Jean Timmons & Mark Brandon Timmons a.k.a Mark Timmons)