-WANTED SA - was informed late last night that Mr. Valentin P. Palacios who is the indigenous Native American has been reported by some – Okke Ornstein included missing for over a month now and he has been the center of attention for the latest lies by the so called, self styled, blogger, Okke Ornstein - who claimed that the Police in Panama had secretly ‘taken’ Mr. Valentin Palacios away to a location unknown. Strange, Mr. Palacios was located yesterday at a medical center in Almirante, Bocas Del Toro all safe and sound.
In point of fact, Mr. Palacios was never detained by the Police. We now know that he was knocked unconscious when mugged by two heavy set men who were not Police.
Mr. Ornstein, in his on-going and desperate pursuit of fame and recognition, invented the whole story about Mr. Palacios being arrested – kidnapped by the police in Bocas Del Toro.
Mr. Palacios was transferred to the capital by the National Police (PN), where he intends to submit a statement to the Public Prosecutor, or so says Honorable Assistant Attorney - Angel Calderon.
“Gustavo Perez, what did you do with Valentín Palacios?”
Posted on Friday, August 13th, 2010
Valentín Palacios, cedula 1-705-1667
Here is the fairy tale – that is all it is – invented and then posted by our intrepid blogger on his web site.
You decide whether it contains a multitude of lies or not:
“It is already over a month ago that banana plantation worker Valentín Palacios was taken away by the police and never heard of again. In more than a month, all the police has come up with is the statement that “he doesn’t appear on our list of persons detained”.
The public ministry says the case is being handled by the personeria in Changuinola. In Changuinola, inquiries are met with a deafening silence.
Palacios was last seen on July 8, when he was arrested by the police on Finca 66. There is a rumor that he was transferred to the prison in Davíd.
Yesterday, thirty civic organizations filed a habeas corpus with the Supreme Court, demanding that they investigate where Palacios is, or what happened to him.
A large part of the opposition has been quiet about the case, because they belong to or are affiliated with the PRD, which still hasn’t answered many questions into its own past of killings and disappearances during the military dictatorship of Omar Torrijos and Manuel Noriega.
Similarly, the media are only paying minor attention to the case.
So, all Palacio’s wife and two children have to hope for is that the Supreme Court will do something. That’ll be a long wait, because one half of the court are Martinelli yes-men and the other half is PRD. Nothing is to be expected from Winston Spadafora either – whose own brother was beheaded by Noriega’s goons – as he has been silent about the case and is mired in an endless series of corruption scandals.
Yes, dear reader, the situation in Panama is now so bad, and the opposition and the media so lame, that when the police disappears somebody this now generates far less response than during the dictatorship when opposition was more dangerous.”
Speaking of Criminal Activities, as of today’s date, Okke Ornstein is still at large and still being sought by Police in the Republic of Panama.
WANTED SA, has been informed that the search this week for Okke Ornstein will be expanded to include Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Ecuador.
If you have any have any information leading to his arrest and conviction, please see other articles in WANTED SA about a significant REWARD.
More details to follow as WANTED SA follows this on-going investigation.