Okke Ornstein who also sometimes uses the alias Okke Van Ooijen has numerous criminal charges pending in the Republic of Panama since “landing accidently” on the shores of Panama according to his own words. This include Blackmail, Extortion, Criminal Slander, Criminal Libel and has been convicted previously on some and was ordered by the Courts in Panama to take down and remove one of his e-rag web sites that Okke Ornstein used in his criminal activities. NORIEGAVILLE!
In March of 2010, Okke Ornstein conspired with James Steven Fry, Mark Brandon Timmons and Patricia Jean Timmons who is the former wife of Monte Friesner with the “THREATS TO KILL THE FAMILY OF MONTE FRIESNER” if Monte Friesner did not drop all the criminal charges of blackmail & extortion pending against Okke Ornstein (Panama), and The fired Web Designer {who worked for family}.
The Police and both Monte Friesner took the threats seriously based on previous violent confrontations that Okke Ornstein was involved with in Panama. The criminal charges that are in the courts of Panama and with the District Attorney were filed by Monte Friesner during the year of 2010.
Okke Ornstein has ignored three summons issued by the Prosecutor to appear in Court and who received copies of the criminal charges feel that they are safe in Canada from the “Arm of the Law” in Panama.
Okke Ornstein who is well known to Law Enforcement in Panama for his many criminal activities recognized the seriousness of the complaint and issued a Restraining Order while the Police investigated the matter.
Based on the investigation the Police now are searching for Okke Ornstein; however, he has fled Panama and his whereabouts are at present unknown. Okke Ornstein consistently demonstrates that he has no regard or respect for any laws; broke the conditions of the Restraining Order and again threatened the wife of Monte Friesner.
Anyone having any information on the above Okke Ornstein, James Steven Fry, are requested to contact WANTED S.A. (More to follow on this Alert)
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