This week has been a very informative and wild week concerning the International Criminal Organization of Arthur Gehl and his so called Private Banking Group called VIA-AG.INFO which Mr. Gehl operated from Rheine, Germany and solicited investors from many countries around the world; such as, Russia, Italy, Netherlands and Canada. The list grows every day as victims are contacting us using e-mail and What's App and after analyzing the information, I have come to the conclusion that this was a timely conspiracy planned and executed by Arthur Gehl and his accomplices; however, it is disturbing to be aware that legal minds were behind the planning of this fraud and scam with the use of CryptoCurrency. Telephone and e-mail records are being examined now and hopefully the truth will be exposed.
Mr. Gehl depended on close knit friends and associates and promised all a multitude of profits exciting 240% per year beyond their dreams and of enticing to their greed similar to the High Yield Investments Scams being perpetrated now. Arthur Gehl using his education and knowledge of computers created fraudulent graphs and financial records demonstrating to potential investors how many of his investors have become millionaires over night and to Mr. Gehl this was easier than going fishing in a river but simply fishing for suckers who longed for instant wealth and power.
What Mr. Gehl never advised his potential investors was that all of the money being submitted did not become deposited into an account of their own, but directly to the access of Arthur Gehl and his crime organization to do with whatever he wanted and all he had to do was create fraudulent reports to the investors of imaginary profits, which they could not touch, smell nor see. Mr. Gehl who is now under the eyes of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Securities Exchange Commission, because he solicited investors from the USA and requested money from residents of the USA placing Arthur Gehl under the jurisdiction of law enforcement in the USA. Arthur Gehl is indicted will be extradited and placed on trial in the USA upon finalizing his legal issues in Germany, which will concur for several months, but in the meantime our team will hunt and trace the stolen assets hidden by Arthur Gehl.
A law firm is being retained in Germany as a formality for the victims, in order to legally submit a claim for the plaintiffs; however, I have requested statements to be submitted prior to a victim being represented by the law firm and after we examined the legitimacy of their claims. A victim will not be accepted until a comprehensive analysis is conducted, but each victim has their own right to hire a law firm of their own. Our Compliance and Enhanced Due Diligence firm represent one client; however, we will share information with a bona fide investor and victim.
I will be attending in Germany next week and meeting all the investigating police officers, prosecutors who are assigned to the Financial Fraud Case Number 44JS884/19 and the banks that assisted Arthur Gehl and did not close his accounts to protect the investors, which include Karatbars - a company in Germany that is at present under investigation and has been already closed up in Canada and in the State of Florida where they are impersonating as a Gold Bank.
Contributed by Andrei Slavenkov - Financial Crime Consultant (Netherlands)
Chronicles of Monte Friesner - Financial Crime Analyst (Canada)
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