This is Stephen Lamb, the brother of accused fraudster, and Cayman Gang of Four ringleader, Sharon Lexa Lamb. Since the scandal broke, and victims have been filing complaints with CIMA, or the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Mr. Lamb has taken to harassing them, via crank telephone calls, or attacks on their electronic mail accounts, or websites.
Three of many favorite scams that he is perpetrating:
(1) Stephen Lamb calls the victims of his sister's fraud, and impersonates the Canadian tax authorities, demanding payment for some bogus tax liability, a threatening to bring criminal charges.
(2) Stephen Lamb contacts the victims of the fraud, claiming that the victim must contact their attorney, for they are being sued, on some phantom charge.
(3) Stephen Lamb sends tons of spam to the victims' email accounts, all from bogus screen names, and alias-based accounts.
Three of many favorite scams that he is perpetrating:
(1) Stephen Lamb calls the victims of his sister's fraud, and impersonates the Canadian tax authorities, demanding payment for some bogus tax liability, a threatening to bring criminal charges.
(2) Stephen Lamb contacts the victims of the fraud, claiming that the victim must contact their attorney, for they are being sued, on some phantom charge.
(3) Stephen Lamb sends tons of spam to the victims' email accounts, all from bogus screen names, and alias-based accounts.

Perhaps Mr. Lamb would like to be a co-defendant in a future criminal case, together with his sister, whom he insists is innocent. One wonders just how much of the money that Sharon Lexa Lamb stole from her victims was transferred over to Stephen Lamb, and what the extent of his criminal liability is for money laundering of the proceeds of crime.