~ WANTED SA announces that Okke Ornstein, a self proclaimed Blogger, who has a massive amount of Criminal Charges filed against him in Panama and he is now facing more, as individuals/victims are starting to come forward to file further charges.
Okke Ornstein who has no visible means of support even though he makes a fairy good income from his various and illegal scams. He is a seasoned Criminal and a Serial Blackmailer who uses his Blogs to threaten people with his lies, “Pay me and I will not print anything bad about you," he has been quoted as saying.
Okke Ornstein fabricated various lies in order to “cash in” on the big money he believes is here in Panama. However, he is now targeting a very successful group of Web Designers for only one reason and that is because they designed the web site for WANTED SA who is exposing Okke Ornstein and his Criminal Activites. Several weeks ago Okke Ornstein who many people in Panama believe is "mentally unstable" actually contacted the same "Web Designers" and threatened them with physical harm.
Law Enforcement Authorities in Panama sincerely believe that Ornstein is a violent individual who is mentally unstable, which he has demonstrated in his own words and admissions. Ornstein who cannot obtain residency in Panama is also under investigation in Russia and in Canada for "Hate Crimes" and Criminal Activities.
As of early this morning the Web Designers have filed Criminal Charges and Law Suits in the amount of millions of dollars against the Smut Blogger and his trash web site Bananama Republic. Their lawyer will be petitioning the Courts in Panama to request a Competency Examination for Okke Ornstein and a Pre Judgment Order to seize any and all assets of Okke Ornstein until the trial is dispensed.
When Ornstein was served with yet another Law Suit several weeks ago, Okke Ornstein erupted like a volcano and started screaming and swearing at the Official who served him [as if the official were to blame for Okke's self-created problems], and as usual, Orenstein will wrote yet another article full of lies, as a show of defiance, which will demonstrate his mental instability. Okke Ornstein is is Cyber Bully!
Can you say psychotic?
The Web Designers and their clients will not spare any money or time to remove this sick blight from The Republic of Panama and they will use every legal weapon in their arsenal to have him sent to prison.