-WANTED SA has received disturbing information that Okke Ornstein who operates illegally the “Smut Blogs” known as ornstein.org; bananamarepublic.com and the Narcosphere in Panama has been bribing bank staff, in order to obtain bank records of future victims in his Criminal Activities of “Blackmail, Extortion, Slander, Libel” and more. For many individuals who have bank accounts in Panama and of this manner of fraudulent crimes being committed by Okke Ornstein is exposing them to be at the mercy of the “SERIAL BLACKMAILER and some of them have contacted the authorities in Panama who have started an investigation concerning Okke Ornstein.
Ornstein bragged about how much he pays to bribe bank officials in Panama claims that he can get Bank Accounts Records and even Telephone Records from $100.00 to slightly more.
If anyone feels that their bank accounts have been comprised; contact WANTED SA and one of our Investigative Lawyers will guide directly to the proper department in Panama that is investigating Okke Ornstein.
On Panama CEW on Wed, June 30, 2010 12:51:01 AM
“So, to answer someone else's question here: Yes, theoretically this could happen to anyone. In a totally corrupt country like Panama, I'm sure you can even have fake information planted in these databases for a "reasonable fee".
“I mean, it cost me only a 100 bucks to get someone's phone records, and bank account info is only slightly more, so go figure.”
Is this the mind of a Criminal with no regard for the law or the mind of a mentally incompetent individual who thinks he is a “Legend in his own sick mind”?
Most people in Panama avoid contact with Ornstein and it is not because of his failure to maintain hyginety but due to his Criminal Activities. One Scam after another and now openly admits to Bank Fraud.
You decide!