The Austrian passport; it's not ONLY for Jeffrey Epstein anymore. Epstein, whose Austrian passport, complete with alias, and a bogus Saudi Arabia residence address, was found by law enforcement in ...
Omar Ozumi, a Maltese national, was arrested at the airport by Customs, when he attempted to smuggle two hundred thousand Euros onto a flight bound for Istanbul, Turkey. Local currency control ...
Okke Ornstein alias Okke Van Ooijen is now officially a Twitter Twat attempting to convince people that he is now legitimate and a journalist forgoing his reputation as a blackmailer, forger, ...
A Court in Paris levied a $5.1bn fine on UBS AG, and UBS SA (FRANCE), for money laundering, Illicit Solicitation, and Laundering the Proceeds of Tax Fraud. The fine was specifically for €3.7bn, ...
The Republic of Malta, already reeling over multiple corruption scandals involving the identification of officials in the Panama Papers, Pilatus Bank, and the country's Citizenship by Investment ...
Here is the much-anticipated list of countries with weak anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regimes. Readers who wish to review the complete text of the European Commission press release ...
It is called INSTEX, and acronym for Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges, the Special Purpose Vehicle set up this month to facilitate trade between three European countries, the UK, France and ...
A court in the Ukrainian capital Kiev on Thursday found former President Viktor Yanukovych guilty of treason and helping Russia annex the Crimean peninsula. The Kiev court began reading out the ...