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There is a special place in my heart for the people of Eritrea and I have scorn for the ruling government who has plundered the country and gagged the media so that adverse news does not leak out to the western world. I was married in Eritrea in 2002 and my daughter was conceived in Eritrea during my business trip of three weeks and since then I have visited several times meeting the wonderful and warm people and tasting the cuisine of an ancient civilization that hosts buildings over 4000 years old.

However, all is not sweet and rosy in Eritrea, as murder, torture and confiscation of property prevail by the rulers of Eritrea and the world stands by helpless with their own problems and issues of spies from Iran; Hamas infiltration in Europe and the threat of civil unrest. I have seen and been touched by the atrocities in Eritrea and I am now advocating to the world for help.

Persecution of Christians

Wanted SA sources state that Christians and Christian churches are severely persecuted in Eritrea. Sources state that Christians who are trying to flee the persecutions are facing threat, torture, beating sexual assault and imprisonment. Many of the Christians are fleeing the land to neighbouring countries. It is estimated that there are more between 2000 and 3000 Christians in Eritrean prisons. According to reports, Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians are attacked in large numbers. 

Many people seeking refuges in Egypt get killed by human traffickers and many others are being held captive in Sinai desert.  The refugees are heavily tortured both physically and mentally. Many people held in prison face death due to torture and lack of medical aid. The official sources of the Eritrean government deny any sort of assaults on Christians which has been proved to be wrong in all manners.

The Orthodox Persecution in Eritrea

Despite one of the officially recognized and largest Christian community of Eretria, the Orthodox Church is haunted by the government machinery. As per the ICFC report, Orthodox Churches in Eritrea is being shut down at an alarming rate. Since 2005 more than 1500 Orthodox priest and deacons have been forced into service in the military. During the past four years, the Orthodox Church has been reduced as a mere arm of the department of the religious affairs. The historical and ancient artefacts of the Orthodox Church have been removed from churches and monasteries and have been confiscated by the government. 

Even though many churches are available in city areas, a large number of Orthodox Churches in rural Eritrea has closed their doors, especially due to the shortage of clergy. It is the purposeful plan of the government to create a shortage of Orthodox priests and deacons by forcing them to serve in the military as soldiers. The government is presently forcing all Orthodox deacons and priests below the age of fifty years to interminably serve in the military, thus depriving the church completely without clergy. 

It is estimated that more 1500 Orthodox Churches will be shut down in near future. Some examples for the closed churches are St. George Orthodox Church in Aligider, Gelila Mariam Orthodox Church in Shambuka, Medhane Alem Demas Orthodox Church near Ginda’E, St. Michael MeHrad Lam near Qnafna, an Orthodox Church in Adi-Itay in the area of Mendefera and St.Gabriel Egela Orthodox Church near Teseney.

Plea for Help

There has been a continuous plea for help from the suffering Christian communities in Eritrea. Many countries in the west especially the USA has been pressing the Eritrean government to protect human rights and restore religious freedom. But any kind of international pressure seems to fall on deaf ears. Israel who is a close neighbour of Eritrea has invited hundreds to come to Israel for a safe life hoping Europe, USA and/or Canada will assist and accept them, but Canada is concentrating more on the refugee problems at home and the Syrian dilemma, which has become a massive financial burden on the economy.

Who will save the Coptics in Eritrea? 

Chronicles of Monte Friesner - Financial Crime Analyst