Alireza Monfared, the Iranian oil sanctions evader, whose Dominican diplomatic passport ignited a firestorm of controversy in that country, over the latest in a series of questionable issuance of diplomatic credentials to international financial criminals, was not, according to new information supplied by reliable sources, legally extradited from the Dominican Republic. The oil trader was actually kidnapped, and not by "INTERPOL agents," as previously reported in the media, but by Iranian intelligence agents.The two countries have no existing extradition treaty in force.
Monfared has been previously identified as an agent of Iranian intelligence, a fact that he did not disclose, when he filed an application for Dominican citizenship, pursuant to the Citizenship by Investment Program, before securing a second document, that illicit diplomatic passport, delivered to him, in Malaysia, by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, under circumstances that suggest corrupt activity.

Monfared has been previously identified as an agent of Iranian intelligence, a fact that he did not disclose, when he filed an application for Dominican citizenship, pursuant to the Citizenship by Investment Program, before securing a second document, that illicit diplomatic passport, delivered to him, in Malaysia, by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, under circumstances that suggest corrupt activity.

Newly available sources have confirmed:
(1) Monfared escaped arrest, in Malaysia, by virtue of his Dominican Diplomatic passport.
(2) Iran again sought to take him into custody in Dominica, where he resided next but the Skerrit government protected him, and refused to hand him over; he brought a mistress, not his wife, with him, to Dominica.
(3)Dominica did facilitate his trip to the Dominican Republic, a popular location for wealthy Iranian expats.
(4) Extradition formalities were not followed in the Dom rep; he was forcibly taken, and transferred to Havana, where he was put on a nonstop flight to Moscow, bypassing the United States.
(5) the extent of the role of Israeli and American intelligence agents in the Dom Rep, in this case, remains murky; were they also seeking to kidnap Monfared ? Was that why he was repatriated, using the old "Cold War" transit route, which avoids US airspace and airports ?
When he arrived in Tehran, Monfared reportedly asserted his status as a diplomat, but his claims were ignored by Iranian authorities, who promptly placed in a maximum security prison, but have not charged with criminal activity, in the $3bn theft of government oil profits. There has been no mention of Monfared, in government-controlled Iranian media, since he was taken into custody. His knowledge of classified information may preclude a public trial.
Chronicles of Monte Friesner
Contributed by Kenneth Rijock