JOURNALS of Monte Friesner ~ Thursday December 02, 2010
Financial Crime Consultant for WANTED SA >
US says Iran Sanctions are Working
The American Government has stated that Iran sections are have the desired effect. "Iran is struggling to find access to the international financial system, without which it is difficult to run an economy on the scale that Iran needs."
This appeared in prepared remarks made by Under Secretaryfor Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey, delivered to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs yesterday in Washington.
Secretary Levey's extensive remarks covered a wide range of Iran topics:
- Iran Sanctions UNSCR 1929 and its Implementation
- US Actions and Outreach Help Drive
- Global implementation of Sanctions
- Targeted Financial Measures
- Global Engagement
- The Impact of Sanctions
- Conclusions
Readers who wish to review the complete text of this testimony can access it here*.
* Written Testimony by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs-Implementing Tougher Sanctions on Iran:A Progress Report
WANTED SA Thanks Mr. Kenneth Rijock of World Check and all the Parties, Law Enforcement and Securities forces who have contributed to this article and their sincere opinions and statements.
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