Remember Bo Guagua ? He is the "princeling" son of Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai, a senior Chinese official, and his attorney wife, both serving life sentences for corruption, and murder, respectively. Some observers have claimed that the British businessman, Neil Haywood, was poisoned because he threatened to expose Gu Kailai's corrupt activities. Others allege that he made some unspecified statements that Gu considered a threat to her son.
Bo Guagua, who has stayed out of China, since his parents were arrested, graduated this year from, of all places, Columbia Law School, in New York City, one of America's best law schools. While at the school, he adopted the alias, Bo Guangyi, and Columbia seems to have fallen all over itself to accommodate him. It removed all references to his corrupt PEP father from published information, and it may have deleted his email address as well.
Many American universities have gone out of their way to insure that their students, and the public in general, are not aware that the son or daughter of a senior Chinese PEP, is a student there. Given the restrictions upon individual liberty, especially press censorship, imposed by the Peoples' Republic on its citizens, princelings, the privileged children of senior officials, could be subject to harassment on campus. In truth and in fact, the tuition being paid by those students is often more than the annual salary of their fathers, raising a presumption of corruption.
Bo Guagua earned degrees at both Oxford and Harvard, and the stories about how he was on scholarship, and also using his mother's "savings" for tuition and expenses, are a joke played upon the Chinese people. One wonders how much money, received as bribes and kickbacks by his parents, was moved out of China, and who has access to that illicit wealth ? I will give you one guess who is my candidate.
One final note, after masquerading as Bo Guangyi at Columbia, he received his degree under his real name. You can confirm this by simply going to the list of graduates who received their Juris Doctor degrees.
What's next for this princeling ? Not being a US citizen, Bo cannot take the bar, and become admitted to practice in any state. He cannot return to China, lest he be detained, on some corruption charge. Maybe he can find a place in academia, a law school teaching job, perhaps ? Wherever he goes, we will be watching
Chinese Princeling, His Corrupt Pep Parents In Prison For Life, Quietly Graduates From Us Law School