WANTED SA is informed that Mexico Posts Major Rewards for 33 Narco-Suspects

WANTED SA is informed that Mexico Posts Major Rewards for 33 Narco-Suspects

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Mexico Posts Major Rewards for 33 Narco-Suspects >>>

by Monte Friesner - -

Financial Crime Consultant for WANTED SA

~ Thursday October 14, 2010

~~WANTED SA has been informed that the Attorney General of Mexico - Arturo Chavez Chavez  has published an official notice offering substantial rewards for information leading to the arrest or capture of 33 of the country's alleged drug traffickers.

The large rewards in three cases consisting of up to MEX$15m* (US$1.1million) are intended to attract individuals who may have inside information on the suspects.  Are you banking any of these individuals; their family members; or known associates?  

The three with the large bounties are reputed La Linea* leaders. They are Juan Pablo Ledezma, Juan Pablo Guijarro and Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez.

Five suspects show MEX$5m rewards (US$387,000), and the remaining 25 are wanted, with MEX$3m rewards (US$232,000) posted.

It is suggested that the WANTED SA Compliance Officer and Data-file be employed to determine whether any of the 33 are, or have ever been, clients. The information in the notice was apparently provided by the division of the Attorney General's office that deals with Organized Crime.

 * La Linea is reportedly affiliated with the Juarez cartel.

 ** The symbol for the Mexican Peso is a single-stroke dollar sign ($). This predates the double-stroke US dollar symbol.

The facts and opinions stated in this article are those of the author and not those of WANTED SA. WANTED SA does not warrant the accuracy of any facts and opinions stated in this article; does not endorse them, and accepts no responsibility for them.


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