Monte Friesner Appointed Senior Advocate & Counsel to WANTED SA >

Monte Friesner Appointed Senior Advocate & Counsel to WANTED SA >

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Monte Friesner Appointed Senior Advocate & Counsel to WANTED SA >  


Executive Founding Member for WANTED SA >

Monte Friesner Accepts Appointment to WANTED SA

Dr. Monte Friesner who achieved his Ph.D. in Law joined WANTED SA in June of 2010 as a Financial Crime Consultant and since then WANTED SA has grown and expanded tremendously under his guidance.

WANTED SA has created several new divisions; such as the Business Due Diligence and Compliance Division, in order to assist companies abroad to conduct a thorough and precise due diligence prior to entering into any agreements or contracts and Knowing Your Client and their affiliations.

WANTED SA has also created the division for Business Plan & Feasibility Assessments for various financial groups, insurance companies and major firms around the world. Knowing Your Clients will protect assets and possible civil or criminal implications. We advise all of our clients to retain credible accounts and lawyers to assist them for the future development of their companies.


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