Pakistan, the home of the Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist groups, is one the most dangerous countries on earth. So why does an authorized agent for the sale of economic citizenships (with ...
In the opaque world of diplomatic passport sales, it is definitely Caveat Emptor, let the buyer beware. Last year, a Ukrainian businessman*, who is linked to Dubai, and who wanted to buy a ...
Given the zero tolerance attitude that the United States is now taking towards North Korean sanctions, compliance officers at North American banks whose clients import clothing from Chinese factories ...
If you are a compliance officer, at an international bank whose clients trade with customers who use those banks in north China known to move funds for companies in North Korea (DPRK), statements ...
Reports that major Chinese banks are closing personal accounts of Iranians appear to be in dispute. One source claims that it is due to tax evasion, when Iranians enter China, ostensibly for ...
If you thought that the Iranian oil sanctions evader and fraudster, Alireza Monfared, was only guilty of white-collar crimes, think again. Monfared avoided arrest, by Malaysian police, on charges of ...
Though not being reported by global media, the Panama Papers disclosures have had a major effect in Japan. A number of major Japanese corporations were identified, and linked to more than 200 shell ...
If you have been following the ongoing controversy involving the Citizenship by Investment, or economic passport, program, of the Commonwealth of Dominica, you may have seen that the country's Prime ...