Even if you think you know the ins-and-outs of the five East Caribbean countries offering Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs to foreign nationals, there's one feature that Grenada has which is ...
If you follow the world of financial crime, you probably know that the so-called "Supernote," the North Korean-manufactured USD$100 bill, has recently resurfaced, this time in November, 2017 in ...
The United Nations has suspended the Commonwealth of Dominica and Grenada from General Assembly voting privileges, for chronic nonpayment of member dues and required contributions.. The information ...
The government's selection of Dominica attorney Anthony Astaphan to investigate Antigua's role in the massive Odebrecht bribery scandal boggles the imagination. Here's why it is a Conflict of ...
The controversy surrounding the European trip of Asot Michael, the cashiered ex-Minister of Tourism and Investment. continues to raise questions. The people of Antigua & Barbuda are certainly ...
Do you remember what happened to the Tamil Tigers ? Defeated on the battlefield, they continues to employ their agents overseas. Well, ISIS is doing the same thing. It has expanded its recruiting and ...
There are serious concerns, coming from sources with first-hand knowledge, that due diligence procedures being performed upon St Lucia CBI applicants are below the minimums deemed acceptable for ...
If you are a wealthy businessman, living in the Middle East, the Peoples' Republic of China, or Russia, and the international CBI consultancy firm you are working with tells you that you might also ...