Individuals hidden in the witness protection program are not as safe as they believe they are when criminal organizations employ the same facial recognition software platforms utilized by law ...
The United States has announced that it will shortly release details of its efforts to thwart North Korea's massive sanctions evasion program. That report will most certainly include information on ...
Recently, when a dangerous Iranian money launderer was taken into custody, the arresting agency reportedly found four passports in his possession, all from the same jurisdiction, and all under ...
Accused Iranian money launderer, Ali Sadr Hasheminejad, arrested when he attempted to leave the United States for the UK, and charged with both international sanctions evasion and bank fraud, had two ...
The brief of the United States, in Scott Rothstein's Eleventh Circuit appeal of the District Court's order allowing the US Attorney to withdraw its pending Rule 35 motion to reduce his 50-year ...
A senior government official, from one of the five East Caribbean states that are operating Citizenship by Investment (CBI/CIP) programs, has been engaged in negotiations with a law enforcement ...
Attorneys for convicted Panamanian money laundering kingpin, Nidal Waked Hatum, have requested, and received, substantial additional time to file their brief on his behalf, in the pending Government ...
The Government has filed its brief in the 11th Circuit appeal it brought after the trial judge declined to enter an Order of Forfeiture against convicted Panamanian money launderer Nidal Ahmed Waked ...