A word to the wise; there is no longer any true electronic communications privacy in the Cayman Islands. A local media quest, to obtain information about the now-admissible warrantless electronic ...
A Kleptocracy is refined as a country where those in power exploit national resources, and steal them, for their own personal gain, thus depriving the people of their own country of their country's ...
This week's CBI scandal, involving a case where the Government of St Kitts & Nevis not only knowingly sheltered a $100m Chinese fraudster, but reportedly gave him a new identity, and an exist to ...
In light of the fact that a number of foreign nationals, all with criminal backgrounds, have obtained diplomatic passports from the Commonwealth of Dominica, often without ever visiting the country, ...
If you have ever read the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, you know that all the countries of the world, save one, are signatories to it, including Dominica, and that the United ...
The proposed Cayman Islands Register of beneficial Ownership of Corporate Information, which is reportedly slated to become effective in June, 2017, and which was created in the face of global demand ...
The Chief Justice of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has issued an order, prohibiting the public from making photocopies of court pleadings. You can just make out the notice, prominently posted ...
This is the Embassy of the Peoples' Republic of China in Dominica. According to local sources, the cost of building this structure was approximately $27m, and its construction was strictly limited to ...