If you are a compliance officer, many of what used to be routine due diligence inquiries have now, due to a number of emerging factors*, become enhanced due diligence investigations. Fortunately, several new and useful resources for AML/CFT investigations are now available, and all of them should be in your bag of compliance tricks atthis time. Your failure to have all the boutique the tools, which allow you to make in-depth queries, puts you are a severe disadvantage, as financial criminals, and terrorist financiers, have become quite adept at counter-surveillance and counter-forensic techniques. You need to defeat their strategies and tactics, using new sources and methods.
At a bare minimum, in my humble opinion. you should have access to these resources:
At a bare minimum, in my humble opinion. you should have access to these resources:

(A) A good Second Generation, cloud-based search product; it must be truly cloud-based, and not merely offering a small portion of the sites blocked by a paywall, Dark Web sites, and state and local government information databases, as well as all reported state & Federal decisions.
(B) If your choice for (A) does not offer it, you need access to the US Government PACER system, Public Access to Court Electronic Records, which can be found at www.pacer.gov . Access is quite reasonable, and you only pay for what you request.
(C) A website offering complete access to global negative news.
(D) A system that can locate, mine, search and analyze social media information.
With these tools, you can conduct effective enhanced due diligence; happy hunting.
Note to Readers: This is strictly a non-commercial blog; you will not find any ads or sponsored content here. If you are not familiar with the name of the specific products, or the companies offering any of the above, feel free to email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will be pleased to give you my personal recommendations.
* (1) The proliferation of Internet and information management advisors.
(2) The spread of false news, misdirection, and disinformation, commissioned by interested parties.
(3) The obsolescence of commercial off-the-shelf First Generation data sources.
(4) The explosion of social media, alternative media, and Deep Web resources.
* Note: We have endorsed www.eddi-iq.com to be the only cloud based Enhanced Due Diligence Intel Application which is second generation.
Chronicles of Monte Friesner - Financial Crime Analyst
Contributed by Kenneth Rijock - Financial Crime Consultant