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There are numerous reports that our intrepid Okeefenokee HAS now fled  Panama IN HIS CUSTOM BUILT, DUTCH SAILING BOAT WHICH IS NOW ON THE HIGH SEAS TO DESTINATIONS UNKNOWN. WANTED SA's guess? THE ISLAND OF LESBOS”!!!

Nahh, his yacht is already awaiting him in Costa Rica unless, of course, he was forced to sign it over to one individual with his simple assets for money so that Okke could post bail.

Actually, WANTED SA was informed that the police in Panama have intensified their search for Okke Ornstein, who is the sole owner and editor of Bananama Republic, which is the Smut Blog that Okke operates to shake down (blackmail & extort) individuals and companies in the Republic of Panama.

Bananama Republic, the shirt on Okke’s back, and the same pants that he has worn for the last 6 years are all the worldly possessions [if we don't count, of course 'his' yacht?] of a  50 or so year old journalist, ummm, blogger, who used to work in the wonderful world of child pornography back in the Netherlands.

Is that pathetic . . . or what?

Okke has worked all these years for only the clothes on his back, a really shitty reputation, and the scorn of hundreds of people he has left behind him in Panama. Run Okke, run!

Okke Ornstein was last seen frantically peddling a little yellow bicycle to the Costa Rican border with a back pack stuffed with clothes while screaming obscenities at the trucks and cars passing him by - this with a sign on his back that states “TO HELL & BACK” – CHE!!

Okke Ornstein is on his way to his [?] custom built sailing yacht and we here have received a photo of the Dutch sailing boat from a close acquaintance of his which we are now posting on WANTED SA for all to see.  We sincerely hope Okke is able to sail such a grand and expensive yacht all by himself since he was begging for sailing lessons from the Panama Sailing School in 2009 in for exchange for not writing nasty articles about the school [his normal modus operandi ].

So we have come to realize that as  of the date of this article, the chicken smelling coward refuses to appear in a court of law to defend his case and his name, and prove that he was actually telling the truth [which would be a record shattering first for him].

What does that tell you?

Here is what one of his followers sincerely advises Okke Ornstein; however, Okke Ornstein is scared "shitless" because he fully is aware and knows that he is liable for fabricated stories and lies;

  1. FROMBOCASOctober 12th, 2010 - 6:02 PM

Well, first we are talking about two foreigners here, it is not like it is a case of a Panamanian against a foreigner. And I might add the case of a foreigner will a less than stellar background.

I would do it because I would not want to live constantly looking behind my shoulders.
I would do it because perhaps, for once, things will turn out right, and I get a chance to vindicate my good name.
I would do it because otherwise, it looks like the other guy is in the right after all.
I would do it because then I get to present my proofs and they become part of the public record of this process.
I would do it because not doing it will make it impossible for others to take up my cause or make it impossible to appeal.
I would do it because done right, this can drag on all the way to the supreme court, and by the time they get to it, it will be another set of players in place. People that will despise what Friesner stands for.
I would do it because not doing it enable a set of people to drag my name in the mud.
You ask why, these are my reasons why he should go to court.

WANTED SA fully agrees with "FROM BOCAS"  for Okke Ornstein to come to Court and prove his case that he so claims is true. 

FACT: Okke Ornstein has never won any slander and/or libel suits anywhere in the world and he does have Arrents Warrants issued by the Fiscalia in the Republic of Panama.

Run, Okke, run!  Hide, Okke, hide! Your days are numbered.

